If choosing to replace the deficit over 24 hours, this equates to 20mL/hr (rounding for ease of measuring) Maintenance therapy:.
Practical Guidelines on Fluid Therapy by Dr Sanjay Pandya 2nd Edition. The challenge: assessment and monitoring. Describe the initial management of AKI and recall the indications for renal replacement therapy.
Sanadgol H, Najafi I, Rajabi Vahid M, Hosseini M, Ghafari A: Fluid therapy in pediatric victims of the 2003 Bam, Iran earthquake.Prehosp Disaster Med 2009 24(5):448–452. The administration of hypotonic IVFs has been the standard in pediatrics.
It is recommended daily monitoring with ionogram and glucose levels in patients who require intravenous fluid therapy for a period longer than 24 h.